Tuesday, March 23, 2010

This and That

Things have been crazy busy around here.  I know what's new?  Well Easter is around the corner and because it is, our schedule has been smooshed together to squeeze classes in.  Which means I have barely had time to cook, nevermind take photos of the things I am cooking and post about them, but this one was too good not to share.  This was a quick, easy, seriously savory dish that was just as perfect for dinner as it was for breakfast.  Yes it was that good that I had it twice in two days.  It is from Shutterbean, which is one of my new favorite food blogs.

I'm not even typing it out for you... just follow the link.

Shutterbean's Herb Baked Eggs

And while your there check her post on Kale Chips.  I made those too.  Even the baby liked them, and they are all the rage these days in the foodblog world.

1 comment:

  1. Now Im hungry-AGAIN!!!!! This looks delicious!

