Sunday, February 6, 2011


When you have a blog you are suppose to write about things you've cooked and eaten, and loved, and invested time in.  If I were to post photos of the things I have invested time in for the past two weeks it would be photos of me sitting on my couch, in the basement, with bad TV playing in the background and a baby on my chest, lap, shoulder, you name it she's there because she does NOT like to be set down.  Not for a 10 minutes, not even for 5 miutes.  Or perhaps the photo of me balancing the baby on a nursing pillow while balancing a lap top on my knees writing a lab write up for school.

I have given birth to some mutant baby that hates baby swings, and bouncey seats.  She thinks night time starts at 3pm, and ends at 3am.  Thanks to this joyful new schedule where we just sleep in tandem... two hours for me, two hours for Gregg, two hours for me, two hours for Gregg... then we sleepwalk through our entire day.  Our dinner schedule has been re-runs of all things quick and easy that have already been posted on here, take out, and pb and j.  So here's your recipe for the week.   Plagarized photos and all.

Peanut Butter and Jelly....  Take two slices of squishy, non-nutritional white bread out of the bag.  Open the peanut butter jar.  Scoop out a big portion of peanut butter and spread on the bread (being completely oblivious to caloric intake).  Put the cap back on... in your sleep deprived state put the jar in the freezer.  Open up the jelly... be very proud of yourself that it doesn't have high fructose corn syrup... this is practically a vegetable at this point.  Smear a smaller portion onto the other piece of... ummm bread I guess you call it.  you want this to be like a 2/3rd portion so that the ratio is just right. Smush the two pieces together and cut it into triangles.  ALWAYS triangles never down the middle into rectangles... this will throw off the karma of the entire day.  Put the lid back on the jam and place in the microwave to be discovered 12 hours later.  Remove from microwave and throw away.  Mourn the loss of your fancy, expensive, high fructose corn syrup-free jam from France.  Look around kitchen and wonder why you're there to begin with... walk back down the flight of stairs and remember you need water.  Return to kitchen.  Repeat often through a two week period.  Enjoy.


  1. It will get easier, I promise :-). Your sense of humor is still intact and that's a good sign. I've need a recipe for PB&J for the longest time. I really appreciate the instructions you put together for us. I do hope all is well. Blessings...Mary

  2. You are too sweet... and quite funny yourself :)

  3. I don't know how parents do it. I am sooo crusty when sleep-deprived that I can't imagine being any use to a baby. And yet...sign me up. I kind of can't wait to be a mom.

    Thanks for the honesty; it's refreshing. And I am still not sick of PB&J after all these years. I'm a thick PB spreader. None of this light shmearing of PB for me. Pile it on.

  4. Hey there.. Thanks for checking out my blog.. Don't be freaked out by how may Daily Points you get now.. When I was breastfeeding I was up to 42 Points a day... You will drop the lbs for sure.. Remember that the points food values have also went up so everything balances out. Let me know how you do ok..

  5. Thank you, I will keep that in mind... I seem to be stuck but not gaining so I'm happy.
